mercredi 13 juillet 2011

Prima Jeans

I designed a pair of jeans for Prima Jeans! They asked me to design a pair just for myself and I had so much fun doing it! I picked the denim, the wash, the thread, the buttons, the rivets, the zips, the pocket lining, absolutely everything! I even adjusted the cut to fit my measurements more correctly.
I went for a girly jean as I am a girly girl who loves pink and purple, so I chose purple stitching for the main thread and shades of pink and purple for the signature pocket design. I picked long ankle zips as I love ankle zips and I added a cute denim bow above them to make them more girly. I also chose a button with a purple crystal in the middle and the rivets have a clear crystal in the middle. The wash of the denim is a beautiful dark denim which I love, it gives the jeans a more classic look. The pocket lining is pink and red with hearts and love written on it, I chose this design because it’s really pretty and it represents everyday life.
I designed these jeans about 5 months ago (September 2009) and adjusted little things here and there while they were in the process of being made. I had such an amazing time doing them and I absolutely love them! They fit perfectly and I can’t thank Prima Jeans enough for this!
I have been wondering what the lovely DenimBlog readers thought about these jeans? I know everyone on here has different denim tastes and the amount of girlyness in this pair of jeans is not going to appeal to everyone. I am 21 myself so I am hoping the younger readers might like them. I would love your opinions! I hope you like them as much as I do! I have always loved to design since I was little and to finally have it come true is wonderful. I included loads of photos of the details, close up angles and modeled photos as well for you to get a good idea how they look worn and laid out as well.
You can buy other Prima Jeans by clicking here, they have beautiful washes.
Laid down photo of the front so you can see the cut and wash.
my prima jeans  Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of the top of the jeans so you can see the stitching.
my prima jeans 3 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of my name in the jeans (surname blanked out for personal reasons) and the purple crystal button and clear crystal studs.
my prima jeans 4 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Laid down photo of the back so you can see the cut and wash.
my prima jeans 7 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of the butt area of the jeans so you can see the details and pocket placement.
my prima jeans 8 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of the left pocket embroidery. I chose pink and 2 shades of purple.
my prima jeans 11 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of the right pocket embroidery so you can see the stitching.
my prima jeans 10 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of the purple Prima Jeans patch that I chose.
my prima jeans 9 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Photo of the inside of the jeans so you can see the labels and inside stitching.
my prima jeans 5 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of the pretty pocket lining in the jeans.
my prima jeans 6 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Close up photo of the ankle zips and the little bows at the top.
my prima jeans 2 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Really close up photo of the denim bow so you can see its shape and detail.
my prima jeans 18 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans
Laid down angled photo of the jeans so you can see all of the details more clearly in just one single picture of the jeans.
my prima jeans 12 Lorna designs a jean for Prima Jeans

Jean gris Acne

Jean Acne Jeans neuf taille W : 29/L 32.
Couleur : gris.
100 % coton.
Ce jean Acne Jeans est un basique à la coupe affinée et slim. Vous pourrez le porter avec un tee-shirt Neil Barrett ou Diesel